Dr. Asaad Taffal participated in the "Middle East Imbroglio: Toward a New Regional Order?" session of the "Beyond Europe: Toward A New Global Order Conference" which was held in Poland.

Dr. Taffal participated in a research paper titled: "The Future of the Palestinian Refugee Issue" which aims to find a sustainable solution for the Palestinian refugee issue. It also analyzes the Palestinian refugee case and how different actors in the Palestine-Israeli conflict view it.

Dr. Taffal mentioned that the Palestinian refugee issue is one of the most complicated matters in the peace negotiations between the two parties, and without solving it there will be no permanent and sustainable peace in the Middle East region. He added that there is a need for compromise from both the Israelis as well as the Palestinians to find a sustainable solution for the Palestinian refugee issue.

A number of suggestions and recommendations emerged after his presentation, most important of which are supporting Palestinian refugees related research, activating the role of media and social media to revive the Palestinian collective memory and shedding light on the refugees issue locally, regionally and internationally.







عدد القراءات: 170