• ‏Recruiting the best qualified academic staff who are specialized in different business ‎management fields, and strengthening the capacity of the existing staff‏.‏
  • ‏Developing a mastery of the knowledge base of graduates of business management‏.‏
  • ‏Demonstrating skills in the local, regional and international markets‏.‏
  • ‏Developing the competency and skills of students in carrying out scientific research in business ‎management‏.‏
  • ‏Developing the communication skills of graduates, including the use of English language in ‎business‏.‏
  • ‏Building a positive attitude and perception in students for a better response to internal and ‎external changes in the environment‏.‏
  • ‏Developing effective communication channels with society as well as with academic and ‎business organizations/institutions